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Dr. Richard Heiens

Walter F. O'Connell Palmetto Professor of Marketing

Faculty Richard Heiens

"The increasing rate of change in the marketplace forces us to continue to learn and evolve right along with it. Driven by global influences and demographic shifts, these changes have impacted both consumers and competitors."

Degrees Held:

  • Ph.D. in Marketing – Florida State University, 1993
  • B.S. in Marketing – Florida State University, 1988

Career Highlights:

Published over 40 peer-reviewed research articles in many top academic journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, the AMS Review, the Journal of Strategic Marketing, and the Journal of International Consumer Marketing.

In which online degree program do you teach?

  • Why did you start teaching?

    To pursue my passion for the study of human behavior in the context of business and marketing, to share my knowledge with others, and to help guide the next generation of researchers and practitioners in my field.

  • What advice would you give to those considering this degree program?

    Strive to accumulate knowledge for the sake of learning, and not solely to earn a grade. Look for the common threads, relationships, and synergies that run through each of your courses, and look for ways that the content of each course can help you build a broad foundation of understanding and insight that will facilitate decision making in your business careers.

  • What qualities make someone particularly successful in marketing?

    Organizational skills, analytical ability, critical thinking, creativity, and attention to detail.

  • What do you think is the biggest challenge that marketers face today?

    The increasing rate of change in the marketplace forces us to continue to learn and evolve right along with it. Driven by global influences and demographic shifts, these changes have impacted both consumers and competitors. In the words of David Ogilvy, "You aren't advertising to a standing army. You are advertising to a moving parade."

  • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

    "Grinding it Out: The Making of McDonald’s" by Ray Kroc.

  • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students may not know.

    I went to high school with Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of (Miami Palmetto Sr. High School). With a similar background and having had a similar life experience during our formative years, I'm reminded that we all have the potential to reach similarly incredible heights of success. Jeff Bezos never set out to become the richest man in the world, but he discovered a new and better way to satisfy consumer needs, for which the marketplace rewarded him handsomely. If we focus on the process, the results will follow. Alas, in a school with over 2,500 students (and being a year younger), I did not become close friends with Jeff Bezos, so don't ask for a referral.

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