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Am I Ready for an MBA?

If you are like most prospective MBA candidates, you have come to a crossroads where you recognize your career trajectory may plateau or rise, depending on the choices you make. If you stay in your current industry or with your company, you may be competing for management-level positions with MBA graduates. You may also realize that an MBA program could train you in broad-based business and leadership skills that you have not been able to develop in your position or industry.

Despite these realizations, you may be balancing your aspirations against some uncertainties about whether an MBA is right for you. You may be unsure if you have the natural aptitudes to succeed in business school. You may be uncertain about the level of ambition that usually warrants investing in an MBA. You may even have questions about the timing of this decision, and whether you should enroll in an online or on-campus program.

To give you clarity around these ideas and to help you make an informed decision about investing in an MBA program, we have developed a self-assessment questionnaire. These questions will provide you with personal insights on your own aptitudes, expectations, the perceived value of an MBA, and the suitability of USC Aiken’s online MBA programs to your needs. This short self-assessment is a simple YES or NO format that should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Once you are finished, our simple scoring system will help you determine if indeed, you are ready for an MBA!

Natural Ability and Aptitudes

  1. Am I an analytical problem-solver?
  2. Am I highly organized and systematic?
  3. Am I naturally creative and innovative?
  4. Am I an effective communicator?
  5. Do I have the natural abilities for management and executive-level positions?
  6. Do I have a passion for business?
  7. With training, would I be an effective manager of people and projects?
  8. Would my current colleagues rate my potential as leadership caliber?
  9. Would my earnings potential be enhanced with a post-graduate business degree?
  10. If I had my boss’s education, would I perform even better in his/her position?

Level of Expectations and Ambition

  1. Do I want to climb the leadership ladder as high as my abilities will allow?
  2. Do I want to collaborate with the leaders in my company that I respect most?
  3. Would I like to make executive-level decisions rather than be responsible for implementing the decisions of superiors?
  4. Have I thought of eventually becoming a C-Class executive such as CMO, COO or CFO?
  5. Would I like to eventually be a role model and mentor for up-and-coming leaders?

Perceived Career Value of an MBA

  1. Would an MBA give me the knowledge and skills I need to advance to my desired position?
  2. Would MBA training give me the tools I need to advance in my career?
  3. Would an MBA enhance my resume and make me a stronger candidate for the positions I plan to seek?
  4. Do most of the professionals in the positions I seek have an MBA?
  5. Would the cost of an MBA be financially justified by earnings increases?

Suitability of a University of South Carolina Aiken Online MBA

  1. Do personal and professional responsibilities limit my time to study?
  2. In order to pursue an MBA, do I need a flexible course schedule?
  3. Would I prefer to study at home, at work or wherever I am, rather than drive to a campus?
  4. Would I prefer to finish my MBA in less than the traditional 2-year time frame?
  5. Is it important for me to be able to access the program on a variety of devices (PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone)?
  6. Am I interested in award-winning and highly ranked MBA programs?
  7. Is it important that my MBA program is accredited by the AACSB, the highest accreditation standard for any business school?
  8. Do I prefer the name recognition of a state university to a less well-known online institution?
  9. Is the price-to-value ratio a key factor in my MBA program decision?
  10. Is the availability of scholarships and financial aid a key consideration?

Scoring System

Every Yes = 1 Point

Every No = 0 Points

Total Points

Score Range You are:
22 and above: An excellent candidate
17-21: An ideal candidate
13-16: A possible candidate
12 and below: Not an MBA candidate

Points for Suitability of USC Online MBA

Score Range You are:
8 and above: An excellent candidate
6-7: An ideal candidate
5: A possible candidate
4 and below: Not a candidate

If you scored 22 points or more in total, congratulations! By your own self-assessment, you appear to be a professional with high aptitudes and expectations for career attainment, and an MBA would likely help you to achieve your leadership and earnings goals.

Learn more about USC Aiken’s online MBA programs.


Monster: Are You Ready for an MBA?

U.S. News & World Report: 5 Signs You’re Ready to Apply to an MBA Program

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