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Career Benefits With an MBA

Ying Meng wanted a better degree.

A native of China, Meng had earned an undergraduate degree there 10 years ago. A transfer from his job in China to the United States opened the door to higher education opportunities, and he stepped right in.

A couple of years after he moved to South Carolina, Meng earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of South Carolina Aiken online program.

Meng chose to pursue an online MBA to meet his career goals. He said he would like to eventually move into senior management from his current job in research and development.

“At the same time, I wanted the MBA to improve my leadership skills to become a general manager or director,” he said in the article. “I believe the MBA will help me get there.”

Career Opportunities Carry Higher Salary Incentives

The opportunity for a more rewarding career is the primary reason a growing number of young professionals are pursuing online MBA programs. The higher salaries for these jobs is a huge incentive.

A Poets & Quants article reported that MBA grads who chose “strategy” had an average early career salary of $96,200 a year, the highest reported.

Other median starting salaries for MBA majors included the following:

  • General and strategic management – $85,200
  • Corporate finance – $78,100
  • Operations management – $75,500
  • Operations and supply chain management – $72,700

Other Added Benefits of an Online MBA

Self-improvement is the key to success in any career. According to, earning an online MBA not only offers the opportunity of higher salaries for young professionals, but many other benefits as well:

  • Those pursuing MBAs generally have better qualifications and therefore greater chances of reaching and keeping high-level positions like manager, leader, administrator and director.
  • Learning how to make decisions with incomplete information and process abstract ideas equips MBA graduates with the skills required for change and transformational management.
  • The motivation and hard work required to pursue an online MBA result in personal and career growth for degree seekers.

Is an Online MBA for You?

A school that balances a commitment to honing a broad range of business skills with providing a foundation based on real-world experience is usually a good choice for online MBA seekers. Additionally, a tradition of academic excellence is a strong indicator that a school’s online program will offer the same quality and rigor as its on-campus equivalent.

Dr. Mick Fekula, dean of the USC Aiken School of Business Administration gives prospective students a bit of advice in his faculty biography.

“Participation should exceed the minimum requirements stated in the syllabus. In turn, you should place high demands on your professors,” he said.

Another faculty member, Dr. Richard Heiens, highlights the importance of preparing to meet challenges in the business world.

“The increasing rate of change in the marketplace forces us to continue to learn and evolve right along with it,” the Walter F. O’Connell Palmetto Professor of Marketing said.

Learn more about the USC Aiken online MBA program.


USC Aiken: Ying Meng Adapts Quickly to Life in United States, Earns MBA Online

USC Aiken: Dr. Mick Fekula

USC Aiken: Dr. Richard Heiens

Poets & Quants: Highest Paying MBA Concentrations of 2016

Best College Reviews: How Does an MBA Add Value to a Career?

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