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Don’t Push Onboarding to HR

Bringing a new employee into a well-functioning team can be a difficult task. Skepticism, jealously, resentment and a host of other issues may stand as roadblocks to working efficiently and effectively. But the transition can be easier if the hiring manager and human resources (HR) work together.

Different Titles, Different Responsibilities

But wait. Hiring managers are part of the HR Department, right?

Not necessarily. According to, in some big corporations, the HR manager serves as the hiring manager. In most companies, however, hiring managers can be anyone in the company. They are generally supervisors who make the final decision on hiring for a specific position. For example, if the public relations division needs a new writer, the department head will generally make that decision.

On the other hand, HR covers a broad spectrum of activities as they relate to employees. Hiring may be one of those goals, but HR managers are charged with meeting new and existing employee needs, handling employee complaints, ensuring employee satisfaction and tackling a host of other duties.

By working together, the hiring manager and HR can ensure smooth transitions for new employees.

A Checklist for Successful Transitions

Let’s face it. If a team is not willing to adjust to the new kid on the block, the new hire will fail, no matter how talented or experienced they are. That’s why it is important to make sure the hiring manager and the HR Department work together to transition employees into new jobs. The business website offers four ingredients for success:

  • Put yourself in the new employee’s shoes. Are they getting the right support in acclimating to the new job? Are they adjusting to a new town or state, and is their family adjusting, too? Is their job description clear? As you become aware of the challenges they face, share your insight with team members. Look for imbalance, understand the new employee’s perspective, and make sure they are seen and heard.
  • Build confidence up front. Set the stage by encouraging the new employee to contribute to the group through a new insight or expertise in a certain area, for instance.
  • Risk taking and new ways of thinking must be built into the system. Team members must be confident they will not be embarrassed, rejected or punished for speaking their mind. Team members working in a climate of trust and mutual respect are more productive because they are encouraged to be themselves.
  • Let your new employee know your expectations and give them feedback on what they are doing right and what they should be doing differently. Do not let rejection sneak up on them. Ask the right questions to ensure they are building relationships with fellow team members.

Dynamics Change With New Team Members

Being a good manager is key to building successful and highly motivated teams. Keeping the team running smoothly in the face of drastic change is a necessity. That is why an increasing number of young professionals are choosing to further their education and take the next step in their careers by pursuing online Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs like the ones offered by the University of South Carolina Aiken.

These accelerated programs equip young professionals with the knowledge and tools to be effective leaders and managers in an ever-changing business world.

Learn more about USC Aiken’s online MBA program.


Recruit Shop: The Difference Between a Human Resource Manager and a Hiring Manager It’s Not Enough to Hire Great People; You Need to Graft Them Into Your Team

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